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Add an extension_distance column based off valid_banks and has_relief attributes
Adds attributes about the banks of each cross section in a dataframe of cross section points Function adds "bottom", "left_bank", "right_bank" columns that are the Z values of the "lowest" bottom point, and the "highest" left and right bank Z values, respectively. If there are And also a "valid_banks" column is added that is TRUE if the hy_id/cs_id set of cross section point has at least 1 bottom point with at least 1 left bank point AND 1 right bank point that are above the lowest "bottom" point.
Find braids and add to a dataframe/sf dataframe Adds a 'braid_id' and 'is_multibraid' columns to an sf dataframe containing a crosswalk_id and sf linestring geometires
Adds a cs_area column to a set of cross section points
Adds a cs_area column to a set of cross section points (v2)
Given provide inchannel widths and depths to a set of cross section points and derive estimated shapes
Add a unique 'hydrofabric_id` to each row of a dataframe Internal conveniance function for when a dataframe / flowlines network does NOT have a specified ID column
Adds a logical 'is_outlet' flag to a set of transects identifying the most downstream transect
Add a length column to a sf geometry dataframe
Add a "needs_rectification" column to a sf/dataframe
Add the count of each point type as a column to a dataframe of section points
Add a points per cross section column to an sf dataframe of linestrings given a DEM and min points value
Add powerlaw_bankful_width column
Add relief attributes to a dataframe of cross sections points Given a set of cross section points (derived from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts() and hydrofabric3D::classify_points()) add a "has_relief" logical value to data. The "has_relief" value is indicating whether a cross section "has relief". Relief is determined by checking each set of cross section points have a left OR right bank that has a depth difference from the bottom that isgreater than or equal to a percentage of the cross section length (e.g. Assuming a 'pct_of_length_for_relief' of 0.01 (1%) of a 100m cross section would have a relief depth threshold of 1m)
Function to add a new "tmp_id" column to a dataframe from 2 other columns
Update a flagged set of transects by shortening them by the given extension_distance
Extend/shrink an sf linestring dataframe by a specified lengths vector
Align banks and smooth bottoms of cross section points
Calculates a validity score column based on valid_banks and has_relief columns in a set of cross section points
Classify Cross Section Points (version 2) Version 2 of cross section point classifier function, uses 1st and 2nd derivative of the depths to better classify channel points
Classify Cross Section Points (v1 deprecated)
Classify Cross Section Points v1 (Deprecated version)
Compare valid_banks and has_relief between 2 sets of cross section points
Get Points across transects with elevation values
Generate Cross Sections Across Hydrographic Network
Generate a Perpendicular Linestring of a Given Width
Convert output of find_cycles() to a dataframe Converts a node cycle list to a dataframe of nodes and cycle IDs, internal helper function.
Convert output of find_cycles() to a dataframe Converts a node cycle list to a dataframe of nodes and cycle IDs, internal helper function.
Calculate the points per cross section based off length relative to a DEM Given the length of cross sections and a DEM, approximate the appropriate number of points for each cross section length
Remove entire cross sections that have any NA Z (depth) values
Extend an sf linestring dataframe by a specified lengths vector
Extend an sf linestring dataframe by a percent of the lines length
Extend transects for any transects with invalid cross section attributes
Given a set of transect lines, a flowline network, extend the transect lines out given distances from the left and right Flowlines are required to ensure valid transect intersection relationship is maintained
Give a set of transecct linestrings and poylgons and get the minimum distance to extend each transect line (from both directions, to try and reach the edge of a "polygons") Superseces old version of function (now named extend_transects_to_polygons2())
Give a set of transecct linestrings and poylgons and get the minimum distance to extend each transect line (from both directions, to try and reach the edge of a "polygons") DEPRECATED VERSION, use extend_transects_to_polygons() WIP/internal function for extending transect lines out to FEMA 100 year flood plain polygons (VERSION 2)
Given a set of linestrings, extract DEM values at points along the linestring
Find braided sections of a network and return the unique crosswalk_ids for each idenfied braid
Given a specific depth, an array of depths, and relative_distances return the cross sectional area (v2)
Fix transects found on braided river sections (latest)
Add a flagged and extension distance columns to set of transects with CS attributes based on new cross section points data
Extend a geos_geometry linestring from, one or both ends, by a given distance (meters)
Get attributes about the banks of each cross section in a dataframe of cross section points Given a set of cross section points with point_type column, return a dataframe of the unique hy_id/cs_ids with the following calculated columns: "bottom", "left_bank", "right_bank" columns which are the Z values of the "lowest" bottom point, and the "highest" left and right bank Z values, respectively. And a "valid_banks" column indicating whether the hy_id/cs_id set of cross section point has at least a signle bottom point with at least 1 left bank point AND 1 right bank point that are above the lowest "bottom" point.
Create a list of braid IDs containing crosswalk_ids in each braid
Calculate the length between the leftmost and rightmost bottom point in each cross section
Get the left and right extension distances for a set of transects out to a set of polygons
Check and fix cross section points with limited variation in Z values (without removing any flowlines)
Get the count of each point type in a set of cross section points
Calculate the points per cross section based off length
Get relief attributes from a dataframe of cross sections points Generate a dataframe from a set of classified cross section points indicating whether a cross section "has relief". Relief is determined by checking each set of cross section points have a left OR right bank that has a depth difference from the bottom that is greater than or equal to a percentage of the cross section length (e.g. Assuming a 'pct_of_length_for_relief' of 0.01 (1%) of a 100m cross section would have a relief depth threshold of 1m)
Get a valid starting node from a graph
Generate Multiple cross section along a linestring
Get a list of unique tmp_ids in a dataframe
Get a total count of the validity attributes
Detect whether a braid exists in a hydrologic network Check if if a hydrologic network dataset contains any braids. If multiple discontinuous networks are within the 'network' data. The function will try to infer the distinct networks and then check for braids in each component (using find_connected_components()).
Check if there transects without valid banks or relief
Calculate percentage of points within a set of cross section points that are near the bottom of the cross section Adds the following columns: is_near_bottom: state whether a point is near the bottom of the cross section (within a specified distance threshold of the bottom), pts_near_bottom: count of points near the bottom of the cross section pct_near_bottom: percent of points near the bottom of the cross section
Plots an X-Y scatter plot of cross section points
Convert an sf dataframe with a point geometry column to non spatial with XY columns
Get a dataframe of points that should be evaluated due to their proximity (nearness in Z distance) to the bottom
Check and fix cross section points with limited variation in Z values (version 2 latest) This function takes in a set of cross section points (cs_pts), a flowline network (net) and a set of transects lines for that flowline network (cs). The function that looks at the cross section points and identifies cross sections that are "flat" (have a percent of all points in the cross section within a threshold distance from the bottom of the cross section). The transect lines that generated the "flat" cross section points are then extended and new points are extracted along this new longer transect line. The newly extracted points are checked for "flatness" and are removed if they are still "flat", otherwise the original dataset of points is updated with the new set of point derived from an extended transect line. Improved function for rectifying cross section points with flat Z values by extending transect lines and reevaluating the new DEM values.
Makes a summaru dataframe and print out of differences between 2 cross section points dataframes
Remove specified columns from a dataframe if they exist.
Fix IDs in a dataframe
Selectively removes intersecting transect lines Attempts to remove transects intersecting other transects by first removing transects that interesect the most other transects, then re checking intersection condition, and doing this until there are no multi intersections this gives the benefit of removing a transect line that intersects many other transects, potentially leaving those other transects with no extraneous intersections ONCE the MULTI intersecting transect is removed
Shorten specific flagged transects by specified distance Shorten transects by 'extension_distance' if they have a 'flagged' column value of TRUE
Takes any transects that was extended and with multiple flowline intersections, and shortens them by the distance specified in the "extension_distance" column
Takes any transects with multiple intersections that was extended, and shortens them by the distance specified in the "extension_distance" column
Convert SF linestring transect lines into SF points with
Utility function that takes the output from 'find_braids(nested = TRUE)' and unpacks/unnests braid_id column
Validate Cross Sections Points Ensure all cross section points are valid
Validate Cross Section Points Against Transects Ensure all cross section points are valid relative to a set of transects
Validate Transects
Validate Transects Against Flowlines Ensure all transects are valid relative to a set of flowlines